Theta Healing Technique Pdf Files

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Theta Healing Technique Pdf FilesTheta Healing Technique Pdf Files

In this guided meditation by Brad Austen, you will learn a simple technique for connecting with your Higher-Self and developing an easy flow of information and. The trademark ThetaHealing™ and Advanced ThetaHealing™ is owned by Vianna. Stibal, founder of ThetaHealing, ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge, owner of Vianna's. Darkest Dungeon Build 7527 Starfire. Nature's Path. Any unauthorized use of the term ThetaHealing™ is prohibited. The trademark Orian Technique™ is owned by Vianna's Nature's Path.

The following meditation by Brad Austen creates psychic protection and assists with breaking down the fear matrix that may make you feel fearful, anxious or agitated. Everyone experiences fear from time to time, but for some it can become a constant problem that causes grief and suffering. This meditation is designed to assist you in releasing your fears and strengthening your aura. Read this Script below – or Download it as a PDF. Your comments on this meditation script are appreciated in the space at the bottom of this page. Namaste, Nigel.

Releasing Fears Guided Meditation Begin now by calling on the light, Archangel Michael, God or whatever you perceive it to be. Aankhen 2002 Full Movie Free Download Mp4. Take a deep breath in and exhale gently.

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Just become aware of the speed of your breathing. By breathing deeply and slowly, your body and mind gradually relax. Take another deep breath in and exhale gently.

Visualize a violet transmuting laser of light coming down into your crown at the top of your head. See this laser zapping away any negativity, any fear based energies. This violet laser of light is transmuting any fear-based energy that may be affecting you now.

Keep calling on the light to transmute your fears now, whatever they may be. Fear can manifest in different ways; phobias, fears or repetitive habits. See this violet light transmuting your fears and returning them to neutral energy. Within a few minutes, your fear or anxiety will reduce and become more manageable.