Run Vbs File From Cmd Commands

Posted on by admin
Run Vbs File From Cmd Commands

Host Options enable or disable various Windows Script Host features. Host options are preceded by two slashes (//).Script name is the name of the script file with extension and necessary path information, for example, d: admin vbscripts chart.vbs. Script options and parameters are passed to the script. Script parameters are. You can create a shortcut to the batch file, set the shortcut to start minimized (in the shortcut's properties, 'Shortcut' tab), and then set the job to start the.

2x2 Cll Algorithms Pdf To Jpg there. I dont know a way in batch then, and have never seen the properties exposed under vbscript filesystemobject etc (though could have missed them I suppose) Your options I imagine are third party tool, command line or otherwise or powershell then. With the latter if it was installed you can call it from batch etc. Easily enough -basically run powershell.exe pointed at the ps* file.

Anyway sorry afaik answer is can't without a pc at hand to delve deeper. I do have this gui util you can drag files onto to reset dtaes which i use to mod jpg files from their camera time picture was taken before renaming them by date in batch. But cant rememer off hand whether it only works for jpgs. Cronica De Familie Petru Dumitriu Pdf Converter here.

Will check in couple of hours when at home. Right, can confirm that this works from VBScript. I was always under the impression it couldn't be done! Sub Touch(FolderPath, FileName, NewDate) Set app = CreateObject('Shell.Applic ation') Set folder = app.NameSpace(FolderPath) Set file = folder.ParseName(FileName) file.ModifyDate = NewDate set file = nothing set folder = nothing set app = nothing End Sub Call Touch('C: 4. WIP EE', 'copyit.cmd', '2012-01-01') So. Is VBScript an option.

Are you happy for it to be supplied to you as a VBScript you can call with cscript //nologo 'dir' 'filename.txt' 'date' or do you want it to do it for all files in a dir etc. OK here you go with a VBScript. Save this as touch.vbs (or whatever you feel like). You can then do: This to set mod.

Time to dd/mm/yyyy 0:00: touch.vbs 'C: somedir' 'somefilename.txt' 'dd/mm/yyyy' or this to set mod. Time to dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss touch.vbs 'C: somedir' 'somefilename.txt' 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss' or this to set it to the time and date now. Touch.vbs 'C: somedir' 'somefilename.txt' We could mod.