Sport Psychology For Coaches Ebook Library

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Sport Psychology For Coaches Ebook Library

Learn How To Effortlessly Do Mental Game Assessments With Athletes & Teams Mental Game Coach Shares His Entire Assessment System For Learning How To Assess Athletes’ Mental Game Challenges From the Desk of Dr. Patrick Cohn Dear Fellow Mental Coach, If you help athletes improve their mental game and want to be more effective with helping them build mental toughness, but don’t have a proven system for identifying and assessing your athletes’ mental game, I can help you Please read this page to the end First, a quick story for you In the late 1980s, I studied at the University of Virginia under Dr. Rotella taught us that assessments or validated instruments were useless when working with athletes in the real world. Rotella’s view was that validated assessments, such as the TAIS, were only good for doing research, not to work in the field with athletes.

But soon, I realized Rotella was wrong. At the University of Virginia, while working with athletes on my own, I realized that mental coaches could benefit from using a mental game assessment—the right kind of assessment. After I graduated from UVA, I realized that an interview guide could be adapted as an assessment tool when working with athletes on the mental game.

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So I developed my own assessment for athletes that would help me understand athletes’ top mental game challenges. I viewed this assessment as a way to “interview” athletes before they came in for coaching–and to improve organization and speed up the coaching process. Today, I call it the Athlete’s Mental Aptitude Profile or AMAP for short. Now you too can learn how to use the AMAP Assessment system with your athletes Without An Assessment Tool, I Was Wasting Coaching Time Before I developed the AMAP assessment, I was clueless about how to understand the athlete’s mental game strengths and weaknesses. Without an Assessment tool: • You don’t know athletes’ mental game challenges until you meet with them.

Sport Psychology For Coaches Ebook Library

• You are left to use valuable coaching time because you are forced to use an interview approach. • You are less organized without one. • You can’t prepare any follow up questions or a coaching plan. • You are unsure where to start the mental coaching process. • Athletes are less prepared to discuss their mental game. Punch Out Wii Iso Ntsc. Minecraft Pe Maps Download Ios No Jailbreak. • You can’t track their progress because you don’t have a baseline.

I was was shooting in the dark early in the coaching process. I wasted a lot of valuable time trying to understand my athletes’ needs using an interview approach. When in fact, I could have used that time more efficiently if I had more information starting the coaching relationship. I Didn’t Want to Use a Validated Instrument I searched everywhere to find a mental game assessment. Talking to other mental game experts, they also were concerned about the lack of an applied mental game assessment.

My frustration drove me to create my own assessment. I realized an interview guide was extremely helpful for doing thorough interviews with athletes. With this idea, I created what is today the AMAP assessment. The Rockers Babies Epub Bud.

Now you can use the exact same assessment tools that I use along with over 150 certified MGCPs. “The AMAP Assessment: How to Assess Athletes’ Mental Game Skills” About My Background Dr. Patrick Cohn, Master Mental Game Coach As a dedicated mental game coach and sports psychology expert, I have studied, researched, and worked with thousands of athletes for over two decades. Over the course of my 25 years working, I’ve accrued an impressive list of accomplishments and credentials such as: • Working with some of the top athletes in the world including PGA Tour winners, LGPA Tour Winners, and NASCAR winners on techniques to improve confidence, focus, and composure for sports – over 15 years. • Interviewing many top athletes in the world including Thurman Thomas, Michelle Akers, Ernie Els, Mario Andretti, and Helen Alfredsson to uncover the strategies, techniques and skills that keep these professional athletes at the pinnacle of performance. • Authoring and producing an extensive library of sports psychology books, videos, audio programs and training seminars. (Visit the or seminar page for details).