Software Calcolo Tfr Free

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May 5, 2013 - 3 min - Uploaded by CIA BATprocedura inserimento, calcolo e stampa cedolini mensili.

Software Per Calcolo Tfr GratisSoftware Calcolo Tfr Free

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The application allows you to calculate the TFR (Employee Severance Indemnity) net of taxation in force or the 'clean' amount that the employer must pay the worker at the time of closing of the business relationship. And 'Just set a few essential information to quickly obtain the amount of the sum. Acer Travelmate 512t Manual Lawn. The data needed to be provided are: - The Hire date - TFR accrued and left in Company - TFR accrued and paid to the Fund Category (if any) - Perceived Advances (if viewed comfortably) This data can be easily recovered from the CU-Certification Unica (former CUD) issued annually by the employer. Notations help in every field help to understand from where the CU box must be extrapolated the information requested. Since it is possible to calculate the severance pay to a Reference Data entered by the user, the only request care is to get the information from the CU valid to date entered Reference. For example: if it is entered as Data Reference dated, the data must be obtained from the CUD of 2008 that certifies the fees received in 2007. In addition to the 'Calculation' button has a 'Reset' button to clear the screen and enter the parameters for a new calculation.

After you enter the data and press the 'Calculate' button to instantly get the corresponding net severance pay amount. Moved with a click on the tab 'Details TFR calculation', the user can access a range of additional information that the application calculates: - Reductions - Reference income - Set overall - Average rate - Taxable income tax - Total income tax This application is also very useful to see if the calculations made by the employer at the time of termination of employment are accurate.

In this case you can also set the information of the post-2000 and the revaluation of the TFR set aside in the current year (delivered directly from the prospectus), otherwise these are calculated by assuming an average progression system of remuneration and an annual appreciation of 1.5%.