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The archetype of the Creator is a familiar image in his work. Here, Blake depicts his figure stooped in prayer, contemplating the world he has forged. The is the third in a series of painted by Blake and his wife, collectively known as the Continental Prophecies.

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• The nakedness of woman is the work of god • Reason, or the ratio of all we have already known, is not the same that it shall be when we know more. • There Is No Natural Religion (1788) • The true method of knowledge is experiment. Nada Surf The Stars Are Indifferent To Astronomy Rapidshare Movies.

• All Religions are One (1788) • There can be no Good Will. Will is always Evil; it is persecution to others or selfishness.

• Annotations to Swedenborg (1788) • If a thing loves, it is infinite. • Annotations to Swedenborg (1788) • Does the Eagle know what is in the pit? Or wilt thou go ask the Mole? Can Wisdom be put in a silver rod? Or Love in a golden bowl? •, Thel's Motto (1789–1792) • Nothing can be more contemptible than to suppose Public RECORDS to be True.

• Annotations to An Apology for the Bible by R. Watson • That the Jews assumed a right Exclusively to the benefits of God. Will be a lasting witness against them.

& the same will it be against Christians • Annotations to An Apology for the Bible by R. Watson • And now let me finish with assuring you that, Tho I have been very unhappy, I am so no longer. Emerged into the light of day; I still & shall to Eternity Embrace and Adore him who is the Express image of God; but I have travel'd thro' Perils & Darkness not unlike a Champion.

I have Conquer'd, and shall still Go on Conquering. Nothing can withstand the fury of my Course among the Stars of God & in the Abysses of the Accuser. My Enthusiasm is still what it was, only Enlarged and conform'd. 74-75 • I have labour'd hard indeed, & have been borne on angel's wings.

Till we meet I beg of God our Saviour to be with you & me, & yours & mine. Pray give my & my wife's love to Mrs Butts & Family, & believe me to remain. 90 • Degrade first the arts if you'd mankind degrade, Hire idiots to paint with cold light and hot shade.

• Annotations to Sir Joshua Reynolds's Discourses, title page (c. 1798–1809) • To Generalize is to be an Idiot. To Particularize is the Alone Distinction of Merit — General Knowledges are those Knowledges that Idiots possess. • Annotations to Sir Joshua Reynolds's Discourses, pp.

Xvii–xcviii (c. 1798–1809) • The Foundation of Empire is Art & Science Remove them or Degrade them & the Empire is No More — Empire follows Art & Not Vice Versa as Englishmen suppose. • Annotations to Sir Joshua Reynolds's Discourses • When a Man has Married a Wife He finds out whether Her Knees & elbows are only glued together.

• Poems from Blake's Notebook (c. 1800–1803) • When nations grow old, the Arts grow cold, And Commerce settles on every tree. • On Art And Artists (1800) 'On the Foundation of the Royal Academy' • Fiery the Angels rose, and as they rose deep thunder roll'd Around their shores: indignant burning with the fires of Orc. • America, A Prophecy. Blake's 'Newton' is a demonstration of his opposition to the 'single-vision' of: The great philosopher-scientist is isolated in the depths of the ocean, his eyes (only one of which is visible) fixed on the compasses with which he draws on a scroll.

He seems almost at one with the rocks upon which he sits (1795). • How sweet I roamed from field to field, And tasted all the summer's pride, Till I the prince of love beheld, Who in the sunny beams did glide! • Song (How Sweet I Roamed), st.

1 • He loves to sit and hear me sing, Then, laughing, sports and plays with me; Then stretches out my golden wing, And mocks my loss of liberty. • Song (How Sweet I Roamed), st. 4 • My silks and fine array, My smiles and languished air, By love are driv'n away; And mournful lean Despair Brings me yew to deck my grave: Such end true lovers have. • Song (My Silks and Fine Arrays), st. 1 • Like a fiend in a cloud, With howling woe, After night I do crowd, And with night will go; I turn my back to the east, From whence comforts have increased; For light doth seize my brain With frantic pain. • Mad Song, st.