Delphi Serialize Tpersistent

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Delphi Serialize Tpersistent

Article update: The server side call back signature changed since this article was first published in 2010. Please refer to the documentation or this forum article. The XsDateTime class represents the DateTime value with given timezone offset. The XsDateTime class is used in the serializers, for example, in the TROXMLSerializer class to read and write the XsDateTime values to the specified serialize object.

It has been a very lean and easy option of.Net to able serialize/deserialize any serializable object instance. Only closest option in Delphi is to stream the component using WriteComponent/WriteComponentRes of TStream/TWriter (used for Form storage as DFM, for example). It can be then read back using appropriate counterpart ReadComponent/ReadComponentRes. Depend on your situation, simply calling.Assign method would work if you are coping data from one instance to another. But it only works between inherited classed which know about each other. Can we find there something which will allow to pass objects states in more readable format? There is a very powerful infrastructure available to do full serialization without knowing underlying class structure – (Run-time Type Information).

All functions we would be looking at are defined in TypInfo.pas unit. First thing first.

To be able to work within RTTI, you need to operate on the object which has published and public properties. Free Download Komik Trigan. Function GetPropList(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; out APropList: PPropList): integer; A function will return number and reference to the list (array) of properties published (public and published) by the class ( information).

List will also include published methods. Simply walking through it will give you an access to property/method information. In our example we are not interested in the published methods, so lets filter it out: var i: integer; lPropInfo: PPropInfo; lPropCount: integer; lPropList: PPropList; lPropType: PPTypeInfo; begin lPropCount:= GetPropList(PTypeInfo(AObject.ClassInfo), lPropList); for i:= 0 to lPropCount - 1 do begin lPropInfo:= lPropList^[i]; lPropType:= lPropInfo^.PropType; if lPropType^.Kind = tkMethod then Continue; //. Processing of the properties. End; end; What other Kind of information is present in the list? From being a junior developer all the way to Development Manager position, I was always interested in new technologies. Passionate speaker, IT junky, developer, architect, team lead, and development manager - many hats, one goal - making software better and closer to people’s needs.

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